the giverJonas – the protagonist, an eleven year-old when the novel opens, who is selected to become Receiver of Memory at his Ceremony of Twelve. He is intelligent, brave, caring, sensitive, and determined.
The Giver – the incumbent Receiver of Memory, who stores human experiences from the time before Sameness. The Community's Elders rely upon his "wisdom" in the event of emergencies; because no one wants the pain that comes with keeping the necessary memories, this "honor" is restricted to one individual. He is frusutrated at the Elders for only consulting him during emergencies instead of all of the time, and seems somewhat disgusted by the actions of the community's people, though he tells Jonas that they "know nothing" and therefore cannot be blamed. His real name is not known.
Jonas's Mother – an intelligent, practical woman who serves her Community as a judge.
Jonas's Father – a caring man, something of the ideal father figure, who works as a Nurturer for children in their first year of life. Later, Jonas learns that his father is, sometimes, responsible for the Release of defective children.
Lily – Jonas's talkative, curious, enthusiastic and outgoing younger sister.
Asher – Jonas's closest friend, a clumsy and easygoing boy who is assigned the position of Assistant Director of Recreation.
Fiona – Female friend of both Jonas and Asher. Her red hair represents a failure of genetic engineering, as the Giver notes: "We never completely mastered Sameness. The genetic scientists are still... trying to work the kinks out. Hair like Fiona's must drive them crazy." She works as a Caretaker for the Old. Despite her kind demeanor, she is adept at Releasing the elderly without emotion. She is referred to as Jonas's 'favorite female' as a result of his sexual emotions for her.
Gabriel – an infant from the Nurturing Center whom Jonas's father takes home for extra care. Slow in development and highly emotional, Gabriel is at risk of Release. Jonas takes him on his journey to Elsewhere. Gabriel is able to Receive memories from Jonas. He is also one of the only people other than Jonas and a female Six to have pale eyes.
Rosemary – the Elders' previous selection to be the new Receiver of Memory, when Jonas was a Two. Her training failed, in a way which impacted the entire Community: defeated by the memories of loss and hurt which the Giver was forced to transfer, she asked for Release. Once she was released, the memories given her had no place to go, so they floated freely. The Giver reveals that Rosemary was his daughter, though some readers believe the Giver uses the term "daughter" metaphorically.
Caleb – A child who drowned in the river near the town. Because of release, "natural" or accidental death is not known, so this shocks the community. They chant his name all day in a "Ceremony of Loss" until it fades from their memories.
【The Giver】中人物职业介绍用英文吗???
Jonas – the protagonist, an eleven year-old when the novel opens, who is selected to become Receiver of Memory at his Ceremony of Twelve. He is intelligent, brave, caring, sensitive, and determined.
The Giver – the incumbent Receiver of Memory, who stores human experiences from the time before Sameness. The Community's Elders rely upon his "wisdom" in the event of emergencies; because no one wants the pain that comes with keeping the necessary memories, this "honor" is restricted to one individual. He is frusutrated at the Elders for only consulting him during emergencies instead of all of the time, and seems somewhat disgusted by the actions of the community's people, though he tells Jonas that they "know nothing" and therefore cannot be blamed. His real name is not known.
Jonas's Mother – an intelligent, practical woman who serves her Community as a judge.
Jonas's Father – a caring man, something of the ideal father figure, who works as a Nurturer for children in their first year of life. Later, Jonas learns that his father is, sometimes, responsible for the Release of defective children.
Lily – Jonas's talkative, curious, enthusiastic and outgoing younger sister.
Asher – Jonas's closest friend, a clumsy and easygoing boy who is assigned the position of Assistant Director of Recreation.
Fiona – Female friend of both Jonas and Asher. Her red hair represents a failure of genetic engineering, as the Giver notes: "We never completely mastered Sameness. The genetic scientists are still... trying to work the kinks out. Hair like Fiona's must drive them crazy." She works as a Caretaker for the Old. Despite her kind demeanor, she is adept at Releasing the elderly without emotion. She is referred to as Jonas's 'favorite female' as a result of his sexual emotions for her.
Gabriel – an infant from the Nurturing Center whom Jonas's father takes home for extra care. Slow in development and highly emotional, Gabriel is at risk of Release. Jonas takes him on his journey to Elsewhere. Gabriel is able to Receive memories from Jonas. He is also one of the only people other than Jonas and a female Six to have pale eyes.
Rosemary – the Elders' previous selection to be the new Receiver of Memory, when Jonas was a Two. Her training failed, in a way which impacted the entire Community: defeated by the memories of loss and hurt which the Giver was forced to transfer, she asked for Release. Once she was released, the memories given her had no place to go, so they floated freely. The Giver reveals that Rosemary was his daughter, though some readers believe the Giver uses the term "daughter" metaphorically.
Caleb – A child who drowned in the river near the town. Because of release, "natural" or accidental death is not known, so this shocks the community. They chant his name all day in a "Ceremony of Loss" until it fades from their memories.恩
The Giver
The Giver的内容简介初读此书,描写的似乎是一个乌托邦,所有可能消灭痛苦和烦恼的措施样样俱全。双向广播器时刻监控每一个家庭的违规现象。人们一直都严守规矩;家庭成员每天都相互交流他们的梦境和感受,杜绝任何情感纠结。这个社区根据每个人的秉性进行夫妻配对,一直维持着和谐秩序。
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---------《the giver》》----翻译----一个委员会正关注是否要修改规定好让骑自行车的法定年龄提前些,但一个事情要真是到一个委员会研究,人们就觉得好笑了,他们说等这规定真修改了,恐怕那些委员会的人都七老八十喽!