精彩对白: Man: Do you have a girlfriend? Alex Burnham: Uh, You're gonna think I'm crazy. 路人:你有女朋友吗? 艾力克斯·伯汉姆:难道你认为我疯了吗? Kate Forster: [voice over] Dear new tenant, welcome to your new home. I'm sure you'll love living here as much as I did. Alex Burnham: What do you mean lived here? Kate Forster: Since no one has lived in this house for years. 凯特·福斯特:亲爱的新房客,欢迎你搬来这里,我相信你会喜欢这里,就像曾经住在这里的我一样。 艾力克斯·伯汉姆:你说曾经住在这里是什么意思? 凯特·福斯特:因为这栋房子已经好多年没有人住了。 Kate Forster: [voice over] Ridiculous. For argument's sake, what day is it there? Alex Burnham: April 14th, 2004. Kate Forster: No. It's April 14th, 2006. Alex Burnham: It's the same day two years apart. 凯特·福斯特:实在是荒谬,为了更方便讨论,能告诉我你那里几号吗? 艾力克斯·伯汉姆:2004年4月14日。 凯特·福斯特:不,应该是2006年4月14日。 艾力克斯·伯汉姆:恰好是相隔两年的同一天。 Alex Burnham: [voice over] How's your sunset? Kate Forster: It's perfect. Alex Burnham: I only wish you were here to share it with me. 艾力克斯·伯汉姆:你那里的日出如何? 凯特·福斯特:非常漂亮。 艾力克斯·伯汉姆:我真的希望你能在这里和我分享这一切 Alex却最终爽约。 Kate终于意识到自己早已远离现实,她一直在守候那触摸不到的真情。她决定离开,告诉Alex不要再给她写信,最后留下那句深情割舍不断的“请让我放开你的手”…… Kate:You weren't there. You didn't come. Alex:I don't understand. Something must have happened. I'm sorry. I've got two years, Kate. We can try again. Kate:No, Alex, it's too Iate. It already happened. It didn't work. Alex:Don't give up on me, Kate. What about Persuasion? You told me. They wait. They meet again, they have another chance. Kate:Life is not a book, Alex. And it can be over in a second. I was having lunch with my mother at Daley Plaza...and a man was killed right in front of me. He died in my arms. And I thought "It can't end just like that on Valentine's Day." I thought about all the people who love him, waiting at home...who will never see him again. And then I thought "What if there is no one?" What if you live your whole life and no one is waiting? So I drove to the lake house looking for any kind of answer. And I found you. And I let myself get lost. Lost in this beautiful fantasy where time stood still. But it's not real, Alex. I have to learn to live the life that I have got. Please don't write anymore. Don't try to find me. Let me let you go. 谁能帮我解释下美版《触不到的恋人》的剧情?男主和女主最后怎么会相遇的? 女主通过邮箱告诉男主不要到广场找她,就避免了男主的车祸 女主实际上是在06年,男主是在04年,男主等了两年就刚好是06年,最后的剧情是女主刚寄了邮件就在湖边小屋遇到了男主,实际上就等于是男主等了两年,而女主并没有过两年 《触不到的恋人》这部剧结局是什么? 这部剧的结局在最后时空交错,男女主拥抱 触不到的恋人,谁能讲讲故事的梗概么?还有结局 剧情 刚搬来的星贤他为他自己的房屋取了一个意大利文的名字『Il Mare』,意思是『海』。整理房子的时在信箱发现了一封内容很奇怪的信,信上写著“我是你搬来前的上一个房客,如果有收到我的信…请寄来…”而且这封信寄出的日期是在1999两年后;而星贤现在的时间是在1997年,星贤就立刻回信给这莫名其妙的人:「我是这房屋的第一个房客,而且今年是1997年,你可能搞错了,反正我会帮你注意。还有,你是怎么知道这里叫『Il Mare』?」 恩澍是个配音员,她发现了回信的内容之后,她就开始常常写信到两年以前的Il Mare……。 恩澍的男朋友去美国后已很少和恩澍联络,后来男友从美国回来,但却已订婚了,心碎的恩澍写信给星贤,拜托星贤到当年恩澍和男友最后见面的那一天,去改变他们的命运;星贤觉得很痛苦,因为他已爱上了恩澍。 当全智贤寄出了这个信然后再哭的时候,镜头转响全的杯子从碎了再起来,他的血也倒流回去了,就是说,当全寄出这个信的同时,就改变了他的未来,全的男朋友还是去外国了,而全一样的生活,直到它将要再寄这个信的时候,李出现了..所似最后男主角说,有一个故事很长,你想听吗?正如不能说的秘密里的情节一样,他们将在另个时空开始新的生活...虽然自己在所处的时空中无法与男主角相爱了,但是在他的时空里,车祸被及时的避免了···