北灵境院鹤邀是不是变态? 北灵境院鹤邀是变态 英语翻译 快啊 悬赏 The fox and the crane 狐狸和鹤 Once upon a time there lived a fox and a crane in a village. One day, the fox invited the crane to dinner. 从前有个乡镇住着一只狐狸和一只鹤,狐狸邀请&吃饭。 “I’m not sure whether you’ll like this food but help yourself” said the fox putting down the dish on the talbe. ”我不确定你是不是喜欢吃,但是请慢用。“狐狸说着把鱼放到盘子里。 But the dish was so flat that the crane couldn’t eat the food on it. 但是盘子太平了,鹤根本吃不了 Being annoyed, the crane said politely. 有些苦恼,鹤客气的说: “Thank you for inviting me to dinner. Please come to my house for dinner next time.” 非常感谢你邀请我吃饭,下次你去我那吃吧 After a few days, the crane invited the fox. 几天后,鹤邀请了狐狸 “I made this food specially for you so please have some.” 我特地为你准备了食物,请用 The crane put the food in a narrow, long-necked jar. 鹤把食物放进很窄,细长的广口瓶中 So the fox couldn’t eat the food however much the tried. 狐狸不管怎么尝试也吃不到 But the crane put his long beak into the jar and eat it happily. And he said slyly, “We have plenty of food so eat as much as you want.” 但是鹤把自己的长嘴伸进广口瓶,吃的非常开心,它顽皮的说:我们有很多很多你想吃的食物。 But the fox could only come home dribbling at the mouth. 但是狐狸只能看着到嘴的食物回家了。 驾鹤邀游度碧天,休将尘世掷金钱。荣华富贵非吾愿,惟愿终身作老仙。 金钱乃身外之物,不要让自己成为金钱的奴隶,人生在世平淡时真,洗净铅华终究真实本性 欲与青松邀鹤友 请对下联 老子本来见到问题可以及时回答的,但是老子在提问十五分钟之内回答问题,没有任何敏感词也没有其它违规,可总是被扣押,不是“回答正在自动提交中哦,请耐心等待一会吧”就是“被删除”。 害得老子只能吃人家的剩饭。 今天再冒险一次。