这是歌词: As I sit in this smokey room The night about to end I pass my time with strangers But this bottle's my only friend
Remember when we used to park On Butler Street out in the dark Remember when we lost the keys And you lost more than that in my backseat baby
Remember how we used to talk About busting out - we'd break their hearts Together - forever
Never say goodbye, never say goodbye You and me and my old friends Hoping it would never end Never say goodbye, never say goodbye Holdin' on - we got to try Holdin' on to never say goodbye
Remember days of skipping school Racing cars and being cool With a six pack and the radio We didn't need no place to go
Remember at the prom that night You and me we had a fight But the band they played our favorite song And I held you in my arms so strong
We danced so close We danced so slow And I swore I'd never let you go Together - forever
Never say goodbye, never say goodbye You and me and my old friends Hoping it would never end Never say goodbye, never say goodbye Holdin' on - we got to try Holdin' on to never say goodbye
I guess you'd say we used to talk About busting out We'd break their hearts Together - forever
THE END by lune 《不想长大》这电视剧的主题曲和片尾曲都叫什么名? 片尾曲《布袋宝贝》 电视剧不想长大里的高小点的妈妈叫什么? 牛飞天 电视剧不想长大,电视上都演完了 ,好好电影,pps都去找一下吧! 电视剧【不想长大】人物介绍 继《家有儿女》全国热播后,《家有儿女》剧主创人员正紧锣密鼓筹划一部全新的儿童剧--国内首部真人表演与数码动漫相结合的儿童魔幻剧《不想长大》,其中《家有儿女》剧中“刘星”的扮演者张一山、“小雪”的扮演者杨紫,都将在该剧中担任重要角色。 见面会现场,两位《家有儿女》小主角扮演者“刘星”和“小雪”表示,两人将在《不想长大》中担任重要角色!“刘星”将颠覆一直以来留在观众心中调皮有点叛逆的可爱形象,在剧中反串扮演一位“终极大反派” !而“刘星”本人也表示饰演这个角色对于自己是一次全新的尝试和挑战。“小雪”在剧中更是长大成人,饰演一位被一群孩子“折磨”的小学老师。除此之外,“小雪”还将演唱该剧的主题曲。两位“不想长大”的《家有儿女》中“儿女”能否给我们带来更多的惊喜和快乐,我们拭目以待。