来源:八戒影院人气:534更新:2024-11-24 05:19:38
Cashmere Mafia,听听这名字,穿着开司米的黑手党,性别意识与玩酷意味突显。没错,这就是一部女性主义的电视剧,当然也出自盛产女人剧的ABC电视台! 记得几年前的Sex And The Ctiy(欲望都市)吗?2008年这四个纽约的顶级女郎要拍电影版了,同时也在2008年,SATC的制作人Darren Star也将推出自己的新剧Cashmere Mafia,和SATC一样,讲述的也是四个女人的故事。 这四个女郎分别是Dylan,、Juliet、Caitlin、Zoe,组成一个酷酷的“女人帮”。她们生活在曼哈顿,毕业于“常春藤”名校联盟,事业成功、风姿绰约。每日都穿着时尚,每日都出入高档场所,每日都要与各类精英打交道,每日都要应付各种各样的问题。 与SATC不同,“女人帮”的四个女人,她们要面临的,不再是风光无限的男人与欲望问题,而更多的,是婚姻、工作与生活的烦恼 。
Sex and the City creator Darren Star is back to New York in this new dramedy pilot, about four female executives, friends since college, who support one another through the trials and tribulations of work, family, and everything else life in New York City throws at them.
The Break-Up Peyton Reed is going to direct this drama pilot. Maid in Manhattan writer Kevin Wade wrote the pilot and will executive produce alongside Star, Gail Katz and Star‘s producing partner Suzie Fitzgerald.
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